Plenty licks been sharing

Ah hear dat plenty licks been sharing in de two opposition parties dese last few days, or in fact ever since de last time dem been in Parliament.
The argument start when KFC and FLAPNU call a meetin but dem couldn’t decide who gon be chairman. Just like when dem fight one whole month fuh decide who gon be speaker and deputy speaker in Parliament after dem lose de last elections. Finally, dem decide dat both KFC and FLAPNU gon sit at de head table.
So Greenjer tek he seat at de front and everybody was waitin fuh de KFC chef. De place get quiet and KFC ask fuh time out. Ten minutes past and den KFC come back but everybody sit down. Den one big argument buss out. Jhaat Tan seh dat how he is de leader. But dem tell he dat he mek dem lose de last elections and he gon spit up pun de people in de front seat when he start talkin in de meetin.
Nogel get up and mek a move fuh go to de front, but Naggaman seh dat can’t happen, not over he dead body.
Naggaman seh Nogel can neva become de KFC chef as long as he around…or alive. Naggaman tell dem he is next in line and so he goin to the head table. But dem tell he dat how he lie too much.
Dem seh he lie bout all de NICIL millions whah he collect and he lie again bout when he vote fuh de bill in Parliament.
The argument get so heated dat Greenjer tell everybody fuh be quiet. KFC people seh Greenjer can’t tell dem fuh be quiet and dem walk out. And is right den de whole meetin bruk up.
Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie!

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